After playing out a goalless draw last week, the Saddlers and Alfreton Town are due to meet again as they thrash it out to see which team will move on to take on Southampton in the next round.
Smith, Okagbue, Daniels, Farquharson, Knowles, Comley, McEntee, Stirk, Gordon; Matt, James-Taylor
Substitutes: Barrett; Williams, Foulkes, Allen, Earing, Griffiths, Hutchinson, Draper, Johnson
Willis; Clackstone, Lund, Wiley, Thewlis, Cantrill, Salmon, Perritt, Brisley, Newall, Taylor
Substitutes: Askew, Digie, Day, Waldock, Stacey, Oliver, Grewal-Pollard, Fewster