Held in the 1888 Lounge, the meeting saw the usual topics covered, including the adoption of the latest balance sheet, the re-election of directors, and the appointment of auditors.
Mr. S. Gamble (Company Secretary)
Mr. L. M. Pomlett (Chairman)
Mr. D. S. Mole
Mr. D. Bathurst
Mr. R. Thomas
Mr. V. Cotterill
Mr. A Morris (Dains LLP)
Apologies were received from Directors Mr. P. J. Gilman, Mr. N. C. Bond, Mr. R. E. Tisdale, Mr. K. R. Whalley, and Mr. J Fullarton. Shareholders were as per the register and listed apologies from members were accepted.
Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6th January 2020 were confirmed and signed as a true copy of the business transacted on the proposition of Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mr Bathurst, and carried unanimously.
Adoption of the balance sheet
The statement of accounts for the year ended 31st May 2020 was received. Mr. Gamble read the report of the Auditors. The adoption of the statement of accounts and balance sheet was proposed by Mr. Bathurst, seconded by Mr. Cotterill, and carried unanimously.
Re-election of Directors
The re-election of Mr. K. R. Whalley and Mr. L. M. Pomlett was unanimously confirmed by members on the proposal of Mr. Bathurst, seconded by Mr. Thomas, and carried unanimously.
Appointment of Auditors
The meeting confirmed the appointment of Dains LLP as Auditors of the Company and Club Accountants, on the motion of Mr. Cotterill, seconded by Mr. Thomas and carried unanimously.
The Directors were then given the authority to fix the Auditors Remuneration on the motion of Mr. Bathurst, seconded by Mr. Cotterill and carried unanimously.
Any other business
There was no other business and the meeting was declared closed at 13:06.