With all professional sport currently suspended due to the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak attention has turned to helping vulnerable people in the community and the Supporters' Trust have wasted no time in playing their part.
To all our Saddlers fans out there, please stay safe.
- Walsall Football Supporters' Trust.
The statement, released via their official website, confirms that a donation of £230 will be made up of 23 x £10 vouchers for Walsall Outreach which can be redeemed in any Co-Operative store.
Walsall Outreach provide services to the most vulnerable within our community. The Co-Operative have set up a scheme which allows Walsall Outreach to apply up to £500 worth of food from the Co-Operative of their choice.
This scheme started on Friday and lasts for four weeks and if they are still in a similar position then the Co-Operative will review their position.