The club agreed to take a deeper look into the issue and the subject has subsequently been discussed at recent Fan’s Focus and monthly Working Party Meetings with many views being heard.
At the request of Supporters, the club have explored the possibility of introducing rail seating on the back five rows of the HomeServe Lower Tier and consulted with the Local Authority and Sports Ground Safety Authority whilst looking into the financial implications for the installation of rail seating.
In order to formally gauge the actual appetite for rail seating, the club conducted a survey amongst supporters in this area of the Stadium to find out whether it is something they would like introduced and, if so, if they would be willing to make a one-off contribution towards.
Of the 551 season ticket holders who sit in the proposed area, a total of 87 took part in the survey. Overall, 54.65% of those who responded to the survey said they would like to see rail seating introduced while 45.35% were against the idea.
The club then asked supporters if they would be willing to make a one-off contribution of £75 to change their seat to which 80% said they would not be prepared to make a one-off contribution compared to 20% who were willing to.
As a result, the club do not feel that this is something they can progress at the present time. The club will continue to keep this on their agenda and will continue discussions with supporter groups, the local authority and SGSA.