Loan Watch: Saturday, 27th October Loan Watch: Saturday, 27th October

Loan Watch: Saturday, 27th October

Walsall goalkeeper Joe Slinn, midfielder Jordon Sangha, winger Tobias Hayles-Docherty, and striker Cameron Peters are currently spending time away from Banks's Stadium in search of some all-important first-team football as they look to force their way into the first-team squad.
Summer signing Slinn is on season-long spell with Rushall Olympic, whilst academy products Sangha, Hayles-Docherty, and Peters are enjoying short-term stays with Ashton United, Halesowen Town, and Bromsgrove Sporting respectively.



Rushall Olympic

Stafford Rangers


Liam McDonald's Pics were in Buildbase FA Trophy - First Qualifying Round action on Saturday afternoon as they made the short trip to Marston Road and took on Stafford Rangers, with both sides looking to reach the Second Round.

Sadly for the Pics it wasn't to be as, despite Ben Lund's opener, goals from Dan Burns and Ethan Stanton saw Rangers through, much to the disappointment of the travelling Olympic side.

Joe Slinn continued his spell between the sticks and will no doubt be disappointed not to keep his sheet clean although Stanton's strike took a wicked deflection, leaving him with too much to do as the home side progressed.



Ashton United



Ashton United were back in National League North action on Saturday afternoon as they faced Altrincham at the J. Davidson Stadium.

The match would go down as another disappointing one for Ashton as goals from John Johnston (13', 56'), and Owen Dale (89') saw their host ease to a comfortable victory. United slipping to 19th in the table as a result.

Jordon was named on the bench for Ashton but was not used by the manager as he seeks to find a formula which will put his side back on the winning trail. Still more work to do in that respect as their campaign continues.



Halesowen Town

Grantham Town


Halesowen Town were also in FA Trophy action on Saturday afternoon as they travelled to Lincolnshire and visited Grantham Town's South Kesteven Stadium.

The game was a comfortable one for the Yeltz as goals from Lee Hughes (42', 78'), Kieran Morris (52'), and Ivor Lawton (86') saw them ease to victory, earning a spot in the next round.

Tobias Hayles-Docherty was named in the Yeltz' starting XI and played for the majority of the game before being replaced by Aaron Gilpin during the second-half. More all-important minutes for the young winger.
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