Loan Watch: Saturday, 13th October Loan Watch: Saturday, 13th October

Loan Watch: Saturday, 13th October

Walsall goalkeeper Joe Slinn, defender Callum Cockerill-Mollett, midfielder Jordon Sangha, winger Tobias Hayles-Docherty, and striker Cameron Peters are currently spending time away from Banks's Stadium in search of some all-important first-team football as they look to force their way into the first-team squad.
Stopper Slinn is on season-long spell with Rushall Olympic, whilst academy products Cockerill-Mollett, Sangha, Hayles-Docherty, and Peters are enjoying short-term stays with AFC Telford United, Ashton United, Halesowen Town, and Bromsgrove Sporting respectively.



Rushall Olympic

Lowestoft Town


A Sam Whittall penalty and close range finishes from Danny Waldron and Ben Lund saw Liam McDonald's Pics defeat Lowestoft Town in their latest Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division Central outing.

The result, which was Olympic's first home league win of the season, will come as welcome relief for the Pics who had failed to win any of their last nine games, in all competitions.

Joe Slinn, who is set to stay at Dales Lane for the whole of the 2017/18 campaign, played for the full ninety minutes and was on the road to keeping a clean sheet until Lowestoft star man Conor McKendry slipped the ball home late in the second-half.



Ashton United

Spennymoor Town


It was an afternoon to forget for Jody Banim's Ashton United as goals from James Curtis, Shane Henry, Mark Anderson, Andrew Johnson, and Adam Boyes saw opponents Spennymoor Town ease to victory by five-goals-to-nil.

Long-serving Saddler Jordon Sangha continued his spell of starts for the Robins before being substituted eight minuets into the second-half. The midfield man will no doubt be disappointed as Spennymoor took advantage of a below-par performance to secure three crucial points.

The result, which saw a potential winning streak ended at two games, sees Ashton slip down to 17th in the Vanarama National League North.



Halesowen Town

Leiston FC


Another disappointing afternoon for a loaned-out Saddler as goals from Jake Reed, Byron Lawrence, Matt Blake (P), and Christy Finch saw Leison ease to victory in front of 302 fans at Victory Road.

The result saw the Yeltz slip to their second all-competition defeat in a row giving manager John Hill plenty to think about as he begins to look ahead to next weekend's league clash with Needham Market.

Tobias Hayles-Docherty played for just over an hour after being named among the starters, and went close with an effort just over the bar during the first-half. More all-important minutes for the wing prospect.


Cameron PETERS

Bromsgrove Sporting

Barton Rovers


Bren Kelly's Bromsgrove Sporting were back in Evo-Stik League South - Division One Central action on Saturday afternoon as they travelled to Bedfordshire and faced Barton Rovers.

It was a rewarding trip for Sporting and their forty travelling fans as goals from John Pykett, Will Shorrock, and Richard Gregory saw them defeat the Rovers and continue their fine run of form, which see them sit at the top of the table.

Cameron Peters has been struggling to find the back of the net as of late but earned more match minutes as he played for the majority of the match before being replaced by Richard Gregory midway through the second-half.
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