It has been confirmed that Saddlers striker Amadou Bakayoko raised £200 for local charity 'The Big Feed' thanks to his 'Live, Love, Laugh' t-shirts, which we reported on in April 2016.
Bakayoko, who has bagged nine goals in all-competitions so far this season, presented a cheque to Allan Boot and Ian Costello, Co-Founders of The Big Feed, following the Saddlers' League One victory over Sheffield United.
The t-shirts were produced in partnership with ‘In Touch With Walsall’ – a networking and marketing organisation which promotes local businesses.
The t-shirts were produced in partnership with ‘In Touch With Walsall’ – a networking and marketing organisation which promotes local businesses.

Speaking in April, Baka revealed how a call from his Grandmother in Africa provided the inspiration for he and a group of his friends to create T-shirts with the slogan “Live, Love, Laugh”, and begin their mission to help the homeless.
Speaking via, Amadou said; “I spoke to her on the phone and it just sparked a thought. We didn’t want to get any official charity involved because it’s more of a personal mission to do something for the people who need it most.
Speaking via, Amadou said; “I spoke to her on the phone and it just sparked a thought. We didn’t want to get any official charity involved because it’s more of a personal mission to do something for the people who need it most.
“We’ll be going out in to town and talking to people. I want to hear their stories and find out what they need and how they got to the situation they’re in. We’re just a bunch of young adults who want to give something back. There’s about fifteen of us and we’re raising the money ourselves."