Our mission is:
1.1 To be a successful professional football club:
1.2 To ensure the long term future of the club and its ability to compete effectively in the professional game, as well as ensuring the financial stability of the club, by introducing and developing commercial activities that will provide the club with an ongoing income stream:
1.3 To play an active role within the local community:
1.4 To provide supporters with a safe and comfortable environment within the Stadium:
1.5 To deliver high quality services to our supporters, and to be a customer led and orientated organisation:
1.6 To further develop relationships with new and existing supporters, clients, sponsors, advertisers and other organisations and associations for the staging of professional football and leisure activities:
1.7 To use prudent financial management accounting and auditing skills:
1.8 To be a good employer offering good working conditions, balanced Contracts of Employment and Training Opportunities.
1.9 To provide resources and facilities for the successful development of young players, encompassing the educational opportunities, and a counselling service to assist personal development.
2.1 We recognise that the customer is a fundamental element of our business and must be offered excellent service. We endeavour to understand our customers requirements and provide them with efficient services of consistent quality.
2.2 Our principles are:
(i) Quality
We accept the need for quality to be built into all processes and systems.
The effectiveness of these systems should be controlled and continuously monitored.
We should strive for excellence in all aspects of our business by continuous improvement in product, quality, performance and support services.
(ii) Customer Service
We recognise that the customer is a fundamental element of our business and must be offered excellent service. We endeavour to understand our customer's requirements and provide them with an efficient service of consistent quality.
(iii) Innovation
We shall be innovative and responsive in our dealings with customers, utilising technology to produce competitive advantage.
(iv) Simplicity
Constant attention will be paid to keeping all systems as simple and 'Consumer friendly' as possible.
(v) Integrity
We undertake to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity in all elements of our business.
2.3 The initial customer service contact at Walsall Football Club is Angelina Hardingham. She can be contacted Monday to Friday, 8.30a.m. to 2.00p.m.
Telephone contact can be made on 01922 622 791.
Emails can be forwarded to [email protected]
2.4 The initial Supporter Liaison Officer contact at Walsall Football Club is Daniel Mole, Club Secretary.
Telephone contact can be made on 01922 651 401
Emails can be forwarded to: [email protected]
2.5 The club will use its best endeavours to respond to any contact from a customer within a maximum period of 14 days.
2.6 The club may respond by telephone, personal interview, letter, fax, or 'e' mail according to the nature of the approach. The club will always respond in writing if requested by the customer.
3.1 Walsall Football Club is committed to confront and eliminate discrimination whether by reason of sex, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or disability.
3.2 Walsall Football Club is an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to equal opportunity within the Club.
3.3 Equality of opportunity within Walsall Football Club means that in none of our activities will we discriminate against or in any way treat less favourably, any person on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or disability.
This includes:
- Advertisement of jobs
- The selection of candidates for employment or promotion
- Job location or working environment
- Pay and employment terms and conditions
- Internal training and development activities
- External education activities and awards
- Football development activities
- Selection for teams
- Appointments to honorary positions
3.4 Walsall Football Club will not tolerate sexual or racially based harassment or other discriminatory behaviour, whether physical or verbal, and will work to ensure that such behaviour is met with appropriate disciplinary action in whatever context it occurs.
3.5 Walsall Football Club supports The Football League and The Football Association in its commitment to develop a programme of ongoing training and awareness - raising events and activities in order to promote the eradication of discrimination.
Walsall Football Club fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of disability.
The Club operates a concessionary ticketing policy for disabled supporters and will ensure that the scheme does not discriminate between disabled people with differing impairments.
The Club recognises that not all of its facilities are fully accessible to disabled customers and confirms that it is committed to making the necessary "reasonable adjustments" described in the Disability Discrimination Act and its relevant Codes of Practice to ensure full compliance with the legislation.
The Club recognises the new duties and responsibilities resulting from the Disabled Discrimination Act to remove permanent barriers that make it difficult or impossible for some disabled customers to access Club facilities. The Club will undertake such additional works as are reasonably required within the timescale set out in the Act.
Definition of Disability - As a fundamental principle the Equality Act 2010 states that disabled people should not be treated "less favourably, without justification", and "reasonable adjustments should be made to make goods, facilities and services accessible" Walsall Football Club aim to fully comply with both the provisions and spirit of the Act.
For the purposes of this Policy only the definition of a disabled supporters is:
"any person who, because of their disability or impairment, is unable to use ordinary stand seating without contravening Health and Safety Regulations, Guidelines or Policy or where the club has provided "reasonable adjustments" to enable the supporter to attend the venue. Any such person will be considered for use of the designated areas of the stadium in line with the procedures set out in this policy."
A "reasonable adjustment" in this context shall include (but is not limited to), the need to use a wheelchair platform, the need to bring a "personal assistant" for either personal care or safety reasons, or the use of an auxiliary service (e.g. Match commentary for visually impaired or loop systems for supporters with sensory impairments).
A "designated area" is any area including specific seats in the stadium that the club shall, in its sole discretion determine as being available for the disabled concessionary ticket price.
A person has a "disability" if he/she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry our normal day to day activities.
Walsall Football Club reserves the right to request "proof of disability" before issuing a concession. Such proof shall include:
-Receipt of the middle or higher rate of the Disability Living Allowance (mobility or care component).
-Receipt of either the Severe Disablement Allowance or Attendance Allowance.
-A personal letter from your General Practitioner.
N.B. Receipt of an Orange/Blue disabled parking badgeWILL NOTbe considered sufficient proof of disability for a concessionary ticket price.
Contact with Disabled Supporters
Walsall Football Club has an open dialogue with its disabled supporters and encourages them to contact the club and when required to discuss facilities and improvement or any grievances they may have. The Club guarantees that any complaints will be dealt with quickly and the complainant informed of the outcome.
The Club has a training programme to ensure that all Departmental Managers and appropriate "front line" staff, including Stewards are trained in the provisions of the Act. Ongoing training will be included in staff and steward induction programmes.
The Club has advised all staff that any incident of discrimination under the provisions of the Act is a serious matter and will be dealt with under the Club's disciplinary procedures.
Ticketing Policy for Disabled Supporters
The Club will provide general information to its disabled supporters about ticket availability and pricing. Information will be produced in accessible formats and will be published on the Club website. The Club's Disabled Liaison Officer will ensure the implementation of the Club ticketing policy.
The Club will adopt a system of concessionary ticket prices tailored to its disabled supporters, both home and away. The scheme will apply to those supporters where a reasonable adjustment has been made to facilitate viewing or where a personal support need has been identified. Concessions are not based on impairment type but recognise that some disabled supporters have a restricted choice of viewing area in the stadium and/or could not attend a match without personal support or the provision of a auxiliary aid. Concessions will apply to:
-Wheelchair viewing areas.
-Areas reserved for supporters with sensory (hearing & visual) impairment.
-Areas are reserved for ambulant disabled supporters.
-Any other viewing areas set aside by the Club for the exclusive use of disabled supporters.
-Supporters who have been identified as having special needs such as persons with learning difficulties or the elderly.
The Club shall provide age concessions where these are appropriate. Disabled children shall enjoy the same percentage concessionary rate as provided for non disabled children.
The Club shall give details of the availability and prices of seating for disabled spectators and their carers. In principle an admission charge will be made for the disabled supporter but not for the carer.
The Club will provide information on lounges, bars and refreshment areas that are accessible to disabled supporters on matchdays.
The Club will facilitate the purchase of season and match day tickets for the disabled supporters.
The Club will enable a method of payment for season tickets by instalments at the rates given to able bodied supporters.
The Club will reserve 5% of its total disabled allocation for sale to disabled non-season ticket holders.
The Club shall make available to disabled visiting club supporters tickets equal to 10% of its total designated disabled viewing capacity.
The Club shall not charge admission prices to disabled supporters of a visiting Club which are higher than those charged to its own supporters for comparable accommodation.
There are 25 disabled car parking spaces provided at the stadium adjacent to the disabled viewing area and every effort will be made on matchday to ensure that priority is given to the disabled supporters who have the most severe mobility difficulties. Every effort will be made to accommodate disabled supporters as near as possible to their point of ingress/egress.
5.1 Objective
To ensure an ongoing communication and consultation link between the Club and its supporters.
5.2 Method
(i)To maintain ongoing dialogue with Senior Officers of Walsall Football Club
(ii)To use the Club's main channels of communication i.e. match programme and www.saddlers.co.uk, social media, to provide up-to-the-minute news and information about events at the Banks's Stadium;
(iii)The club will offer opportunities via the matchday programme, www.saddlers.co.uk and social media for supporters to pose questions to the Club, and for specific Club Officers to respond to the points raised;
(iv)As necessary, where the Club feels that a discussion rather than a written answer is more appropriate to a question posed, the supporter or group of supporters will be invited to the stadium for a meeting with appropriate club officials;
(v)The Club commits itself to using its best endeavours to respond to correspondence i.e. post, telephone, fax or email, within 14 days.
(vi)The Club will endeavour to maintain a constructive relationship with the local and national media, via the Club's Press Office, providing them with up to the minute information relating to news stories and events from the Banks's Stadium. Club Officials will make themselves available for interviews, personal appearances on tv/radio, photograph opportunities. The Club will issue regular press bulletins with details of stories, forthcoming events, team details, match information, commercial events etc. The Club will use its best endeavours to respond in an informative way to questions posed by the media.
(vii)The Club will endeavour to publicise its policy position or major policy issues in an easily digested format in Walsall F.C. matchday programme and www.saddlers.co.uk
(viii)The Club will respond to written questions submitted by shareholders at the annual general meeting.
(viiii)The Club will appoint a Supporter Liaison Officer (SLO) whose role will be to converse and communicate with supporters and be a central contact for supporters. Currently, this position is held by:
Daniel Mole, Club Secretary, Walsall FC. 01922 651 401 / [email protected].
(x) The Club will hold a Fan’s Focus Meeting and Meet The Manager evening per calendar year, which will be open for any supporter to attend. Details of these Meetings will appear on the club’s Official Website – www.saddlers.co.uk.
The Football League Customer Services Department can be contacted should the correspondent not be satisfied by the club’s response:
The Football League Customer Services Department, Operations Centre, Edward VII Quay, Navigation Way, Preston, Lancashire , PR2 2YF. Email: [email protected]. Telephone: 0844 335 0183
6.1 Pricing
It is the policy of the club to offer a wide range of spectator accommodation as possible i.e. executive boxes, executive club, seats and family areas to encourage wider access to matches by offering a broad range of ticket prices achievable to the broad range of supporters.
6.2 The club will operate an instalment plan for the purchase of tickets at the most favourable interest rates that can be obtained.
6.3 Allocation
It is the policy of the club to ensure that at least 5% of tickets to each game will be made available to non-season ticket holders.
6.4 Concessions
(i) Concessionary prices will be made available to the following groups:
(i) Juniors under the age of 18:
(iii) Men and women 60 years and over:
Family tickets for one adult and one child. Adult must be accompanied by a child. Price structure to reflect different combinations e.g. one adult and 2 children, 2 adults and 2 children etc.
ii.To offer 'free football for Under 18's'. See www.team-saddlers.co.uk
(i) The club reserves the right to target specific groups for special rates e.g. school parties, and to make special offers for specific games e.g. an early round of Capital One Cup or Johnstone's Paints Trophy.
(ii) The Family Stand will be reserved for family and junior supporters only, with a price structure designed to encourage the attendance of more families and junior supporters to attend matches.
(iii) The club's policy is not to sell restricted view seat tickets, except for those matches that are designated 'all ticket' and attract a capacity attendance. In this situation, tickets for restricted view seats will be clearly marked, and customers advised accordingly at time of purchase.
(iv) Banks's Stadium has viewing bays reserved for wheelchair bound spectators. These bays are located in the Family Stand.
Car parking spaces for disabled spectators are reserved adjacent to the Family Stand.
Wheelchair bound spectators have their own dedicated entrance with no steps to negotiate to the viewing bays, and custom built toilets for the disabled available in this area. Wheelchair places must be booked in advance with the Ticket Office on 01922 651 414/416, or by writing to Banks's Stadium.
The presentation of a disabled spectator permit will be necessary for admission to the Stadium. Carers can accompany wheelchair bound spectators free of charge.
Stewards will be allocated specifically to look after wheelchair bound spectators.
A lounge area is available for disabled spectators and their carers.
6.5 Membership Schemes
The club operates a Junior Membership Scheme:
i.Team Saddlers - for youngsters up to the age of 18 offering FREE football, Saturday morning soccer coaching: trips to away matches at discount rates: priority in allocation of tickets for all ticket games: birthday and Christmas cards signed by the players: discos: 'Meet the player' evenings: Quiz Nights: birthday parties: opportunity to be ball boys or mascot. See www.team-saddlers.co.uk for more information.
6.6 Away Matches
Where the allocation of tickets for away matches is unlikely to meet demand, tickets are allocated as follows:
i. season ticket holders with an away booking history
ii.season ticket holders
iii. supporters with a booking history
iii.general sale
The home club determines the cost of theses tickets.
6.7Cup Competitions - Admission prices for cup games are priced at levels agreed with opponents, and subject to minimum admission prices set by the Football League and Football Association for specific competition.
The general policy set by the Club is for admission prices to First Team cup ties to be the same as for League matches.
However the club reserves the right to vary prices according to circumstances relating to the specific tie i.e. may be desirable to lower prices for a game in the early rounds of a cup competition: or necessary to increase prices where special circumstances are involved, such as the visit of a Premiership club, which might involve substantially higher Police charges. Where variations in admission price are implemented the club commits itself to explaining the reasons behind the decision taken. In such circumstances the agreement of cup opponents to admission price levels will be necessary.
Priority in the allocation of tickets for 'all ticket' cup ties will be given, as follows:
i.season ticket holders with an away booking history
ii.season ticket holders
iii. supporters with a booking history
iii.general sale
If circumstances permit the club may issue vouchers for a cup tie, at a preceding League match, enabling voucher holders to have priority, after season ticket holders to purchase tickets for a cup tie. Ticket details can be found here: http://www.saddlers.co.uk/tickets/admission/
Where a match ticket is returned before the allocated game, the club will offer to exchange the ticket for an identical ticket for a forthcoming League game, subject to availability.
If a match is postponed before kick off, ticket holders will be entitled to free admission to the rearranged game.
If a match abandoned after kick-off, spectators are entitled to half price admission to the rearranged match.
7.1 Walsall F.C. abides by all Football League Regulations governing the allocation of tickets to visiting clubs.
7.2 Walsall F.C. does not charge admission prices to supporters of a visiting club, which are higher than those charged to home supporters for comparable spectator accommodation. In particular concessionary rates offered to senior citizens and junior supporters apply to supporters of a visiting club.
8.1 The club will endeavour to ensure that all replica strip designs shall have a minimum life span of one season.
8.2 Swing tickets are attached to replica strip stating launch date.
8.3 It is the policy of the club to change the design of its first choice and change kit each season. Details of the design of the kit planned for each new season will be announced via the official Walsall F.C. website www.saddlers.co.uk and, Matchday Programme with launch date and availability.
8.4 The club will carry out its obligations under Football League Regulations to prevent price fixing in relation to the sale of replica strip.
8.5 The club will offer refunds on merchandise only on presentation of valid receipt, and in accordance with its legal obligations.
8.6 Offer will appear on the club’s online store: www.walsallfcstore.co.uk.
9.1'The Club' operate a 'Football in the Community' Programme, under the auspices of the Football League Community Trust. The Walsall F.C. Community Programme is a Registered Charity, and a private limited company registered with Companies House.
9.2 The Community Programme is governed by a Board of Trustees, and its day to day operation will be led by a Community Liaison Officer, assisted by a Community Task Force.
9.3 The Board of Trustees will be composed of Walsall F.C. Directors and Senior Officers, supported by the Community Liaison Officers, and co-opted members as required in order to fulfill rthe club’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.
9.4 An independent Auditor shall be appointed to verify the Accounts.
9.5 The objective for the Walsall F.C. Community Programme is to 'build bridges' between the club and organisations within the local community, providing structural activities, for the various participating groups, and in so doing to provide a stimulant for local people, and particularly those of school age to play soccer, and to visit Banks's Stadium as spectators for Walsall F.C. home games.
9.6 The Programme of Activities includes the following components:
(i) Schools Programme - The Community Programme Task Force, often accompanied by players will visit local primary and high school, for the purpose of leading group discussions e.g. talking about life of a footballer, healthy diet, lifestyles etc: organising soccer coaching. This will be followed by school party visiting Banks's Stadium for tour of stadium, and then attendance at a match, and opportunity for school to provide ball boys. The Community Task Force also organises soccer coaching and small sided games in After School Clubs at local schools.
(ii) Educational Courses - The club endeavours to interact with the local community to provide learning opportunities outside of school hours for pupils between the ages of 9 and 14.
Day time activities will be organized by the club’s Head of Education, Sue Lane, catering for all age groups with a variety of educational themes.
The club participate in the management of this scheme, and players, staff and officials act as mentors to the youngsters attending the course.
The club will also liaise with the Head of Education in providing 'one off' courses for local schools to use the stimulant provided by the Stadium, and football club environment, a starting point for educational projects (e.g. problem solving, safety projects).
(iii) School Holiday Soccer Coaching Courses
Soccer coaching courses will be held during school holidays at the Banks's Stadium and other venues throughout the borough.
(iv) Encouragement of Involvement of Girls in Soccer
The Community Programme has set out to encourage the wider participation of girls in soccer both as players and spectators.
Girls are encouraged to join the School Holiday Soccer Coaching Courses, and soccer coaching courses, with small sided games and tournaments have been organised specifically for girls. A dedicated Girls Football Community Officer is appointed to deliver this encouraged involvement.
(v) Encouragement of Involvement of Ethnic Minorities in Soccer - The Community Programme will become pro-active in encouraging more youngsters from the ethnic minorities to both play soccer and to attend Walsall F.C. home games.
This will be accomplished by liaison with Community Leaders, organisation of soccer coaching and small sided tournaments at local venues, organised visits to the Banks's Stadium and attendance by invitation to home matches.
(vi) Encouragement of Involvement of the Over 60’s in Soccer - The Community Programme has set out to encourage the wider participation in over 60’s soccer both as players and spectators.
The over 60’s are encouraged to participate in ‘walking football’ - small sided games and tournaments. A dedicated WalkingFootball Community Officer is appointed to deliver this encouraged involvement.
The Community Programme will become pro-active in delivering.
(vi) Matchday Activities - A weekly 'Saturday Club' offers a morning soccer coaching course, followed by small sided games, and attendance at a Walsall F.C. home game. Special rates are offered to organised parties, a group of 15 at £1.00 per person, with free admission for the group leader. This offer is targeted at schools, youth clubs, and junior football teams.
(vii) Birthday Parties - The Community Programme Task Force will organise birthday parties including organises soccer on synthetic pitch, followed by birthday tea and games in the Bescot Bar.
(viii) Competitions: Small sided tournaments for varying age groups, using the Banks's Stadium Synthetic Sports Pitch, and involving team representing schools, junior football clubs and youth clubs.
(ix) Special Needs Groups' Stadium tours are organised for special needs groups.
(x) Community Related Philosophy of Club, Although a series of community related activities are organised by the Community Programme, it is fundamental to the philosophy of Walsall F.C. that every employee must be conscious of the role of the club in the local community, and its importance to the lives of so many people.
The idea of a Community Programme must not be compartmentalised to the work of one department, its ethos must reach throughout the club.
Every Walsall F.C. employee has a community role to play, be it the service they provide to customers on behalf of the club, appearances of players at Presentations, Hospital visits, donations made to charity: all are ongoing, and all form part of the club's determination to work within that same local community from where it derives its support.
The club will provide work experience placements for local high school pupils aged 15 or over.
10.1 Where any fixture is cancelled before spectators are admitted to Banks’s Stadium the Safety Officer will ensure everyone listed at: - Appendix 2 is notified by telephone.
(i)Local radio stations will be contacted: - Radio WM Tel No: 0121 567 6767 to broadcast details of the delay. Also contact Website Editor, Andrew Poole, to convey message on Official Website/Social Media: 07900 988 231to advise local spectators.
(ii)Every effort will be made to contact the visiting Club and request them to use their local radio station to advise cancellation of the game. Also Radio 5 should be contacted: - BBC Radio Tel No: 0500 909693
Press Association Tel No: 0845 120 0150/0113 234 0034
(iii) If spectators have already been admitted when the decision to abandon the fixture is made the Safety Officer will ensure all turnstiles are immediately closed. Safety Officer will advise spectators inside and outside the Stadium of the situation by use of the PA system and request them to leave via the normal exit routes.
(iiii) If a fixture has been in progress for less than 45 minutes a replacement ticket will be offered to all spectators. Any fixture abandoned after 45 minutes of play, then no such arrangement will apply. Full price admission will apply for a fixture rearranged under these circumstances.
10.2 Replacement Ticket Arrangements:
(i)Season ticket holders will be unaffected since their voucher would apply for the rearranged game.
(ii)Persons who have purchased seat tickets will retain their ticket portion for the rearranged game.
(iii) Cash admissions to the Green and Blue Stands will be issued with a ticket on leaving the Stands. The PA announcer will advise over the PA system.: -
"Today's game will not go ahead due to……………… and will be arranged for a future date.
Season ticket holders will be told of their new voucher number. Persons who have purchased seat tickets should retain their portion of the ticket for the rearranged fixture.
Persons in the Green and Blue Stands who are not season ticket holders and who do not have match day tickets should make their way to the nearest emergency exit in an orderly manner.
On leaving the ground you will be given a ticket for the rearranged fixture. Please assist us by queuing in an orderly fashion."
The relevant tickets stamped "valid for rearranged match" are stored in the match day ticket office. Should the plan be implemented the Safety
Officer will: - Deploy a Senior Steward from the Green and Blue Stands to collect the tickets from the ticket office.
Deploy as many of the turnstile operators as are available to the emergency exit gates in the Green and Blue Stands to issue the tickets to supporters as they leave.
Deploy additional Stewards to the emergency exit gate points to assist in the queuing and to prevent re-entry for more tickets.
Return all unused tickets to the Ticket Office Manager. The Ticket Office Manager will ensure details of numbers of tickets issued are available to the Safety Officer for the rearranged fixture to assist in reassessing the potential capacity.
10.3 On receipt of information that spectators are attempting to gain admission whilst in possession of forged tickets the Safety Officer will:
(ii)Liaise with the Police Commander regarding the use of forgeries and seek police assistance in controlling spectator entry.
(iii)Alert all turnstile operators via the turnstile supervisors of the use of forged tickets
(iiii)Immediately examine a sample of the forgery and advise turnstile operators and Steward Supervisors of how the forgeries can be identified.
(iv)Deploy Stewards to the turnstile blocks to examine tickets before spectators enter the turnstiles.
(v)Seek police assistance in interviewing persons in possession of forged tickets as to how they obtained them.
(i) The club’s Welfare Officers are: Sue Lane – [email protected],.uk and Nick Adshead – [email protected]. The Chief Executive Officer has overall responsibility for this department.
Walsall Football Club is committed to the development, nurture, wellbeing and safety of all young persons in its care. It shall be at the centre of all that we do. Through the pursuance and observance of the Club’s Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adult Policy and the promotion of its Equal Opportunity Policy, the club will strive to create a safe environment.
It shall be a place where the views of others are respected. The Welfare Philosophy shall be an ideal in action. It will continually evolve and adapt to the needs and requirements of those that it seeks to develop. The Philosophy goal shall be pursued and achieved through the implementation of the Welfare Strategy.
In order to achieve its goal in the welfare and safeguarding of young persons in its care, Walsall Football Club recognises that the Welfare Strategy needs to be applicable to all aspects of activities.
Walsall Football Club recognises the importance and hard work of charities and community fund-raising groups around the UK, as well as the positive impact the club can have to help to generate revenues for these causes.
The club's recognised charity partner is the Walsall FC Community Programme, which is itself a registered charity based at Banks’s Stadium.
The WFCCP (point 9), in conjunction with the educational programme (9 ii) helps more than 30,000 people every year achieve their goals through sport, supporting some of the most disadvantaged, disabled and talented people across the region.
The Club typically receives over 500 requests for donations to good causes each year. Whilst unable to fulfil all requests, the Club is committed to delivering assistance where possible and practical.
Throughout the course of each football season the Club will make available 100 match tickets available for donation to good causes and will offer signed footballs, subject to availability, for £10. Applications for the above must be made by contacting the Ticket Office – [email protected].
Owing to the large number of applications received, the club cannot accommodate requests from organisations or groups outside the Borough of Walsall. Also due to demand we are unable to help with additional prizes.
We embrace the concept of team working and empowerment to achieve high levels of productivity and excellence through a staff that acts as part of management.
We adopt an integrated management team approach, with problem solving and decision making being effected quickly at all levels and without undue bureaucracy. To achieve this we recognise the benefit of making available such training and development as is required to constantly improve efficiency, productivity, quality and satisfaction in employment through mutual recognition of each others motivation and goals.
Staff receive ongoing training, delivered by the Football League, on Customer Service.
The club undertakes that all activities that take place at Bescot Stadium are conducted in a way that ensures, as far as is reasonably practicable, that the safety of everyone attending the ground is assured
The club as holders of a General Safety Certificate issued by Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council, acknowledge the primary responsibility to ensure the reasonable safety of all persons attending the ground.
All employees, from the Chairman, Directors, and through to matchday staff, have a duty to monitor this policy and report any deficiencies to their supervisors in order that any necessary modifications to the policy can be considered. The Safety Officer will liaise with The Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council, The West Midlands Police, the West Midlands Fire Authority, The West Midlands Ambulance Service, and any other body that has an input into the safety of spectators at the stadium.
The Safety Officer in co-operation with the emergency services has produced contingency plans that can be implemented in the event of a large scale emergency.
The organisation to implement the Safety Policy is directed during regulated events by the Safety Officer who has, on behalf of the Club, overall responsibility for the safety of all persons who enter the ground during activities covered by the Safety Certificate and who are in compliance with the Ground Regulations. He will report directly to the Chief Executive. The responsibility for the overall Safety Policy of the Club rests with the Chairman and Board of Directors who will seek to implement the policy through the Chief Executive.
The club operates under a General Safety Certificate, issued by Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council.
On matchdays, the Safety Officer is responsible for the safety of all spectators and staff, both playing and non-playing within the confines of Becot Stadium.
The Safety Officer is assisted in his role by the Chief Steward, the Deputy Chief Steward, Senior Stewards and general matchday stewards.
Each area of the Stadium is staffed by an agreed number of gate stewards and general stewards who are responsible to their supervisors.
All personnel employed by the Club in a safety role are responsible for ensuring that they are familiar with the contents of this handbook and the safety information and procedures it provides.
Every person employed by the Club has a role in maintaining safety standards within the stadium and compliance with all regulations governing safety issues is essential.
The key roles of a steward are:
1. Directing members of the public entering the ground to their seats and to ensure the safe and even flow of spectators ensuring that no overcrowding exists.
2. Staffing designated posts in the Stadium, specifically exit gates and doors that are not normally open whilst the stadium is in use.
3. Ensure the safety and control of all spectators, before during and after the event and to administer first aid if required.
4. Maintain a state of readiness to deal with any emergency that may occur, and assist the emergency services as necessary.
5. Undertake specific duties in an emergency.
BANNING ORDERS - Banning orders may be enforced after an incident has been reported to us, either directly or through the Police, and may vary in length dependent upon the nature of the incident. Each case will be dealt with on its own merits. Examples of unacceptable behaviour leading to banning orders include but are not limited to: violent or abusive behaviour towards the public or club officials; drunken behaviour; racist chanting or comments; and encroaching on to the playing surface. Banned supporters will have the opportunity to discuss their conduct with the club before any ban is considered. Banned supporters are not entitled to any refunds.
15. FIRST-AID - The Banks’s Stadium, WS1 4SA, is accessible by public road (Bescot Crescent). The entrance is via an un-adopted road and gives access not only to main reception of the stadium, but also to Gate 3 which is 10 metres from the First Aid Room.
The first aid room is located in the Main (Red) Stand
Situated in the Stadium Suite within the Tile Choice (Upper Green) stand there is a cabinet marked St John Ambulance which contains equipment needed due to the isolation of the Upper Green stand.
This room contains basic first aid equipment, an examination couch, a wheeled stretcher and back boards. It has hot and cold water supplies.
The club has a Crowd Doctor in attendance at all League and Cup (FA, Johnsons Paint and Capital One) games and then any other games where the attendance is likely to be over 1,000.
Club stewards are also trained in basic first aid and St John Ambulance also provide between 8 and 13 fully trained staff and ambulance for every 1st team game.
At such games there will be a designated tunnel steward. This steward will be located in the player’s tunnel and will be in direct contact via club radio with the match day control room.
There is a Doctor present at all first team games as well as a qualified sports first-aider, who will be located behind the Home Team dug out.
There are two stretchers available as well as two back boards which will allow the removal of players from the pitch. These are located in both the centre players’ tunnel of the /Red stand and the voulitary housing the First Aid room.
Also present will be a paramedic team of two and an Emergency ambulance for on-field matters.
The following risk factors can be considered collectively for assessment purposes:
FIRE – there is identifiable risk in the dressing rooms, stands and club rooms. These are inspected by the Fire Brigade Safety and are subject to a separate Fire Risk Assessment.
All areas are covered by automatic fire and smoke detection systems which are checked by a responsible authorised company every 12 months and are checked to be in working order prior to each match.
STRUCTURAL FAILURE - the identifiable sources of risk are the stand structure and floodlight mountings. These are of modern construction and are regularly inspected. The risk is considered negligible under normal circumstances, to slight in high winds.
EVACUATION - there is negligible risk under normal operating conditions rising to moderate in a “panic” situation in a match with near capacity attendance.
The risk is mitigated because a) unplanned evacuation is extremely unlikely;
b) Planned, orderly evacuation reduces the risk.
GENERAL - there is a general risk to spectators due to slips falls and other accidents. This is controlled by the maintenance of the ground in good condition. This risk is proportional to the number of spectators.
Direct injury from fire and structural failure has been reduced by the inspection and maintenance required by the local authorities in compliance with the Safety Certificate.
In the event that there was a risk of structural failure this would be controlled by closing off the affected area of the ground or abandoning the match.
Other risks are proportional to the attendance. There will always be trained first aiders present at every First Team games, with the current provider being St John Ambulance. The current arrangement is for a minimum of 8 which allows 2 per stand and this will increase if the anticipated attendance is expected to be over 8,000 and then the recommendations of the Green Guide will be adhered to; i.e., 1 first aider per 1,000 up to 10,000 and then 1 per every 2,000 after that.
2.3 Assessment - A review to take place at least every 12 months or following any incident.
Description - There is a general medical risk of illness whenever there are gatherings of people. There are no identifiable risk factors which suggest that players and/or spectators at a match are at greater risk of illness, except the established risks that can be associated with any situation in which there is potential stress (e.g., heart attacks in those with pre-existing factors).
Current Arrangements - Immediate care is the same as for physical injury. Anybody presenting themselves as being ill will be made comfortable and their condition assessed by a first aider/paramedic/doctor. In an emergency the person will be taken to hospital in an ambulance.
The following personnel will be present at each home first-team fixture game:
At least one qualified sports first aider; The Team Doctor; A Crowd Doctor; A Paramedic & Ambulance as per Football League Regulation 35.1.1
Prior to the start of each season a meeting should be arranged with the above parties and the club’s Safety Officer to ensure that the relevant equipment is present in the First Aid room.
The club is making efforts where practical to try and operate as a more environmentally friendly organisation. We recognise the importance of minimising our impact on the local environment. We aim to encourage players, fans, staff and anyone involved in our Club to save energy and be more environmentally conscious
(i)Banks’s Stadium:
• Recycle any waste products generated across the Club where possible. Plastic bottles and cups are separated from the waste on matchdays and events evenings. This plastic, collected by the cleaning contractor, is then baled and recycled.
• Implement the use of environmentally sustainable material where practical
• Educate and inspire young people in our communities through the Walsall FC Community Programme.
•Cardboard boxes used for deliveries of stock are recycled
•Pallets are returned to the supplying company for re-use.
(ii)Club Offices
•A comprehensive recycling scheme for paper and cardboard is in operation.
•Staff are regularly reminded of the need to conserve energy where possible (i.e. switching off PCs, monitors, lights etc).
•Staff have been reminded that they should aim to use public transport wherever possible rather than driving / using taxis (A shower has been installed in the main staff office block to try and encourage staff to run, cycle or walk to work if possible).
•IT equipment such as old printers, used printer toners, computers, monitors are recycled.
•Hand driers have been fitted in washroom areas to eliminate the use of paper towels.
•Staff are encouraged to use their own mugs and plastic bottles when drinking hot drinks and water, to eliminate unnecessary wastage of plastic & cardboard cups.
•Copier paper and envelopes used are made from recycled paper.
•All outgoing emails now contain reminder for recipients not to print out unless absolutely necessary
(iii) Training Ground
•At the training ground we currently recycle all our cardboard, printer cartridges and our waste paper.
Registered Address: Banks's Stadium, Bescot Crescent, Walsall, West Midlands WS1 4SA
Company Registration Number:171970
VAT Registration Number:100722236
Telephone: 01922-622 791
Fax: 01922-613 202
Main Club Email: [email protected]
Ticket Office: 01922-651 414/416
Conference & Events: 01922-651 418
Commercial: 01922-651 412
Club Shop: 01922-651 410
Online Store:[email protected]
Official Website – www.saddlers.co.uk
Online Store – www.walsalfcstore.co.uk
Conference & Events: www.m6j9.com
Junior Supporters: www.team-saddlers.co.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/officialwalsallfc
Twitter: @WFCOfficial
By road - From the M6: Leave the M6 at junction 9 and follow the A461 towards Walsall. At the traffic lights turn right onto the A4148 (Wallows Lane/Broadway West - sign-posted Banks's Stadium). At the next set of traffic lights (1/3 mile) turn right onto Bescot Crescent, the stadium is 1/4 mile along the road on the left hand side.
From Walsall town centre: From the Arboretum island take the Broadway North exit and follow the Ring Road to the traffic signals by the Fullbrook Pub. At the traffic lights go straight ahead. At the next set of traffic lights by Broadwalk Retail Park turn left, Banks's Stadium is 1/4 mile along the road on the left hand side.
Parking - A car park is available at Banks's Stadium, the cost is £4 per car and £12 per coach. We recommend people wishing to park on the stadium site (Green Zone) arrive well in advance of the match kick-off time. Parking is not permitted on the nearby retail park for people attending the match. The club ask that supporters are considerate when parking their vehicles, minimising inconvenience to local residents. We encourage supporters to travel to the game by car to share their journey with friends and family to reduce the number of vehicles arriving at the stadium, allowing everyone to have an easier journey home from the ground.
By bus - Banks's Stadium is well served by buses. All buses leave from the Bradford Place Bus Station. Service numbers 401 and 405 run every 15 minutes and stop on Bescot Crescent outside the ground. The 404 service runs every eight minutes and stops on West Bromwich Road a short walk from the ground. Please note that as of the end of October 2012, the National Express West Midlands Bus Service 405 is being renumbered to number 45 as part of the Sandwell Bus Network Review. Frequencies of the service will remain basically unchanged. Update leaflets will be available in the Reception Areas.
By rail - Banks's Stadium is a two-minute walk from Bescot Rail Station. Trains from Walsall take three minutes to the ground and on matchdays all services stop at the Banks's Stadium. To get train times go to www.nationalrail.co.uk or call the Centro Hotline - 0121 200 2700.
For information on public transport we recommend you contact the following organisations:
- Centro: 0121 200 2700
- Traveline: www.traveline.org.uk - 0870 608 2608
Banks's Stadium also has free cycle parking facilities available outside the Main Reception.
To contact the Football League, please visit their website: www.football-league.co.uk. Their Customer Charter, along with contact details for Customer Services Manager, Andrea Brown, can be found here:
The Independent Football Ombudsman (IFO) has been established by the English Football Authorities (The Football Association, The Premier League and The Football League) with the agreement of the Government. The IFO has a clear remit to receive and adjudicate on complaints which have not been resolved at an earlier stage and will act as the final stage in football’s complaints procedure. The IFO is the successor body to the Independent Football Commission (IFC), which operated from 2002 to 2008 as an integral part of football’s self-regulatory system.
To contact the IFO, please visit: http://www.theifo.co.uk/contact-us.html
The Independent Football Ombudsman
Suite 49
57 Great George Street