Luxurious moustaches were once a common sight on football pitches across the country, and in the days of black-and-white TV and Brylcreem a team without a moustachioed talisman would have been a rarity.
Movember aims to celebrate that golden age of footballing facial hair and once again see real men with real moustaches gracing the nation’s pitches. Players and supporters alike can still be heroes on and off the pitch thanks to the power of their upper lips.
Man-made and changing the face of men’s health. Made in Movember and making a real difference to men’s lives. Now.
In the last decade Movember has helped to raise £345m for men’s health and has been responsible for more than 850 initiatives leading the fight against prostate cancer and testicular cancer, and helping improve men’s mental health.
In the UK, through collaboration with health partners Prostate Cancer UK and the Institute of Cancer Research, coupled with direct funding from the Movember foundation, Movember is committed to accelerating outcomes in key areas of men’s health and this year, for the first time, is also raising funds for men’s mental health in the UK.
So whether you’re a fan or a player, support your local moustaches this Movember and sign up at movember.com.