Speaking to the Express & Star, Smith said: “I'm happy with how the defence is looking. It looks really solid. We lost Andy Butler which was disappointing because I have had him as long as I have been here. He was the leader and captain.
“But I have brought Jimmy O’Connor in, he is a fantastic player and a fantastic character as well. With Jimmy, James Chambers and Ben Purkiss they can all compete for the centre-half spot as well.
“There isn't added pressure because in our eyes he is not a replacement, he is another really good defensive player we have signed.
“I was not looking at a direct replacement for Andy Butler, I was looking for another defender. I think there will be some really good competition in the defence during pre-season, there always is.
“I'm everybody’s friend at the moment until August 9th when I have to pick the team.”
You can read the full Express & Star article HERE.