A 'Meet and Greet' event was also held over the weekend, which along with the Saddlers' 'CLC' entry was organised by Steve Davies of the Walsall Football Supporters' Trust.
The night was a big success, with Jorge spending the entire evening sharing memories and taking pictures with supporters.
The evening was organised, in part, to help cover the costs of Jorge's flights and accommodation over the weekend. A total of £461 was raised, via various means, including a bucket collection, raffle, auction and via Jorge himself, who despite having an evening in his honor, also donated £130 of his own money to help purchase new kits for the up-and-coming Walsall FC Sierra Leone team, of whom Jorge is also set to become Honorary President.
The evening was organised, in part, to help cover the costs of Jorge's flights and accommodation over the weekend. A total of £461 was raised, via various means, including a bucket collection, raffle, auction and via Jorge himself, who despite having an evening in his honor, also donated £130 of his own money to help purchase new kits for the up-and-coming Walsall FC Sierra Leone team, of whom Jorge is also set to become Honorary President.