Chief Executive, Stefan Gamble told Saddlers.co.uk; “The response has been phenomenal. Ticket sales have broken the 2,000 barrier for the second year in a row and we have once more seen an increase on the previous year, which in itself had been a six-year high.
“The club is indebted to those supporters who have parted with their hard-earned cash in a continuously difficult economic climate. This demonstrates that there is great belief in the direction in which the club is moving and in the football philosophy Dean Smith and his team are attempting to implement.
“As I have said in previous years, the Early Bird promotion always sets the tone for the coming season and this year’s result gives us a great platform from which to launch a new campaign. This should not be underestimated as it gives the club and, most importantly, Dean, the building blocks to enable him to assemble his squad during the close season.
“There has been an increase in sales in every category of ticket and as we strive to attract the next generation of supporters to Banks’s Stadium, the number of ‘juniors’ taking advantage of our offer of ‘Free Football for all Under-18s’ has once again proven to be popular with another significant increase year-on-year."