With help from TV host Piers Morgan, comedian Jason Manford and football pundit Stan Collymore the HashTag #StephensStory has been trending UK wide on Twitter all evening, and a rush of donations have poured in to Stephens JustGiving page, taking the total raised for the Teenage Cancer Trust to more than £1,000,000!
Before any of this began Stephen was a talented student who had ambitions of becoming a doctor, played lots of sports (most notable county level athletics and cross country, and football for Walsall Youth Team) and played drums in a local band. Alongside this he liked socialising and going out with friends.
If you'd like to know more about Stephen, you can by visiting his various social media and fundraising pages like JustGiving, Facebook and Twitter or you can visit his website HERE.
If you'd like to know more about Stephen, you can by visiting his various social media and fundraising pages like JustGiving, Facebook and Twitter or you can visit his website HERE.