Beginning or renewing your Membership is simple and costs as little as £2 for the whole season.
Joining the Trust gives you the chance to attend Trust AGM's, gaining one equal vote during votes and elections, stand for election to one of the offices of trust within the WFST and also have a say in the way the Trust is run and how it interacts with Walsall Football Club.
The Trust will be holding two Membership Drives at the Banks's Stadium, both at the first two home games of the new season, versus Tranmere Rovers on Saturday 3rd August and Notts County on Saturday 17th August.
Members of the Trust Board will be on hand around the ground, in The Saddlers Club and The Bescot Bar to collect your fees and give you your new Membership Card.
You can download a Membership Application Form HERE, fill it in, and take it along to one of the games mentioned above and save yourself time.
For full details on membership and how to pay,click HERE. The Trust can now accept payment Via PayPal, for further information click HERE.